8789828366 rsroy.skpct@gmail.com

Affiliation No.: 3430270, College Code-66467

Secretary's Message

In this era of globalisation, opportunity grows faster than capacity. But, only the person with skill, knowledge and conviction is able to Create the path to realise his own dream. Despite the fact that health care is the fastest growing socio– economic sector in India, it is still lagging far behind the goal of “HEALTH FOR ALL”.

In the rural and tribal region of the country health care facilities are ridiculously poor. Main cause of this is the great scarcity of Human resources and related to this is unemployment, one of the major problems of our country. To meet this challenge we have a mission to develop Pharma professionals by imparting excellent academic knowledge along with high quality practical training by skilled and excellent teachers and doctors of SIDO KANHU MEDICAL COLLEGE and well equipped 300 bedded hospital.

Meera Choudhary
